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Friday, February 4, 2011

Twilight, on West 4th Street

135 West 4th Street
Photo by myself on West 4th Street and Sixth Avenue.

Believe it or not, this is not a photo of a church.

Originally built as a Methodist Church in 1860, this building was converted into condominium units in 2006. Not the best timing in terms of the real estate market.

Perhaps because people don't like the thought of living in a church, the apartments have not been selling too well. Many of the units are now being rented out by the developer.

A 3-bedroom penthouse apartment there was recently sold for $6.9 million dollars. 2-bedroom loft apartments are being rented for just under $10k a month.

Related posts: On Eating Chicken Sandwiches in Montreal, 184 3/4 West 4th Street and City Portraits: Washington Square Park.


Manuel Fantoni said...

Wow, I'm an Italian interior designer, following your blog since few days and waiting for a green card to move to New York. I would like to live in that Church!
10K $ for rent is expensive, isn't it?

Yukinori Katayama said...

looks good to see but, listening juzz and pop is bit strange in these rooms...it's just same strange to sing by karaoke at temple where lots of statures around you.

Luis Gomez said...

Gorgeous shot Kitty!

Kitty said...

Welcome Juriaboni!
Yes, $10k rent is very expensive for a 2-bedroom. I can't say what a normal amount of rent is, since it varies widely.
I'm sure there are people in rent-controlled apartments for under $1k or even $500 a month, which is very low. Even $5k a month for two people is a large sum to throw away.

Good luck on your green card. I hope you get it soon.

Hi Nori
The interiors were made to be very modern, without statues. I wish there was a website with all the rooms but there are just real estate listings with very small photos.

Some of the penthouse rooms have cathedral ceilings (high and sloped), which is very dramatic.

Thanks Luis!

dianasfaria.com said...

From the outside, this place is beautiful!

Washington Cesar Takeuchi said...

Hi Kitty! Great shot as usual!
Hey! Did get a new camera?

Lou said...

I think the clean, brand new doors are the giveaway- old in use Churches do not have doors like that!

We have a lot of converted churches (and barns) in the UK. They're really popular. I'd definitely live there. I like things which are different and have character and style. So many new builds these days are devoid of any charm whatsoever.

Great pic. :)

Leeds daily photo said...

Nice looking building. I once nearly bought an apartment in a converted church, but it fell through.

RedPat said...

Church conversions are very popular here and quite sought after. There are such interesting spaces in some of them. I love your shot of this one!

Jack said...

Beautiful. Pretty steep as rental or purchase, but it IS New York.

Stefaan said...

I just discovered your blog Kitty and it's amazing. I'm just fascinated about all your beautiful pictures. Keep up the good work!


nycstylelittlecannoli said...

just a great photo...I think it would be neat to live in a former church..you would be so blessed!! I love the stain glass windows as well. We have one in my town that was turned into apartments for older people...really quite nice. I would imagine these apartments are pretty nice. :)

Leif Hagen said...

A heavenly photo! I never would have guessed it wasn't "currently" a church! Interesting real estate figures.....

Anonymous said...

I would like to live here but my budget is $50 per month. I'm willing to go for $100 -- no higher. LOL! ;-)

John-Roy Photography said...

Nicw capture. The blurr of the person walking really makes the image.

Jeni said...

GREAT picture.... I look at this every other day coming up from the subway there. I take some pics sometimes because there is something so mystical and beautiful about this church and its red doors!
Nice shot!