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Sunday, August 19, 2007

From New Amsterdam to Amsterdam and Beyond

We will be journeying to Amsterdam this Friday. I've never been there, but Mark visited a couple years ago. He's told me about the narrow streets and nightlife, and promises that I'll love it. He's got the restaurants all planned out, including a 'Rijsttafel' (pronounced 'ryes-stah-fel') that makes him salivate when he talks.

We're staying at the 'Hotel Pulitzer' (pictured) which looks unreal. One of Mark's friends in the business is treating us there for several nights. We are estatic. Both of us have been working very hard and this vacation is long overdue.

After a few days in Amsterdam, we'll take the train overnight to Paris for the rest of the trip. I've been there a couple times and I love it. The last time I went was a cold, rainy November. The skies were continually changing, and I could understand why it this a city of artists. I'm sure we'll only be able to afford eating Croque Madames and soup, and it'll be tough not to overspend. As New Yorkers, Mark and I are used to eating very well for not that much money.

Mark is bringing his new HD camera to film the trip, his latest gadget. I'm posting a short film he created a couple weekends ago showing Brooklyn, mostly Greenpoint, where he lives. Note the abundance of Polish magazines and red sneakers slung up to claim the streets. Clive, the car makes a sneaky cameo in the shot taken across the bridge.


Photo by JimG944. For more great images, click here.


Mom Knows Everything said...

I can't wait to see all the pictures from your trip. I hope you have an amazing time!

What's up with the sneakers on the wires in the video? I liked the bakery shot. Yummy, it looked good!

Kitty said...

Hi Tammy!
I heard that the sneakers are a way for gangs to claim turf. So the red sneakers symbolize the Polish patriotism in the neighborhood. Well, that's what they say....

Thanks for the good wishes! :-)

Mom Knows Everything said...

I'm tagging you with a My Middle Name Is meme. Come check out the rules at my blog. The post is almost done.

p.s. - If my kid threw his sneakers on power lines I would kick his butt. lol