UPDATE: The post below is from this morning. Just this afternoon, I heard that Louie is safe in Jill's apartment, hiding under the kitchen table. That's one less cat on the streets tonight.
Hooray Louie!!!
This morning, Mark and I woke to the first official snowfall of winter. There were a couple inches on the ground. The city was quiet and cold.
My first thoughts were about Louie. Jill, the foster mom of the newly adopted kitten, and I are slowly planning Louie's capture. So far, we're undecided on how to go about it.
The black and white cat has been moved into his new home, at a nearby grocery store (pictures forthcoming). Previously owned, Black and White followed Jill into her building. The grey cat followed another fellow-rescuer inside. Grey and her other kitten are now fattening up nicely.
Louie may not go so quietly. He bats my hand sometimes out of reflex, (claws retracted). He's a little shy. I'd love to just grab him while he's eating, but you only have one chance at grabbing a cat. It's all over if you miss.

A couple months ago, I bought a huge cage on ebay to trap these guys. I rode home during rush hour, my arms wrapped around a four foot long box labelled 'Raccoon Trap'. A picture showed a poor creature posed near a metal cage. Every lurch of the train sent me wobbling about on my high heels. I can only imagine what the others passengers thought.
This morning, I checked in with Louie. He was quite content inside his home. Someone had draped another box on top of the one Mark and I had Saran-wrapped, and there was a plastic tarp on top of that. The whole street is taking care of this cat.
Louie slithered out when I cracked open a can of food (Friskies Beef Entree). He ate in the open air, shivering. I took the time to add shredded paper to his nest.
Rescuing him is just a matter of time.

Photos by myself in Greenpoint, Brooklyn.
I'm so glad Louie is finally safe and warm inside a loving house. As for a raccoon trap, I actually have one.
how funny, Tammy.
have you used the trap? if so, what do you do with the coon once you trap him?!
YAY for Louie!! Y'all are angels!
You are good and brave people. Nice work!
What's Louie's status now?
Brian, thanks for asking.
I'll have to write post on Louie!
He's at his foster mom's. I saw him the other day, but he wouldn't come out for a photo-op!
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