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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Beware of Cat, East Village

Cat, East VillagePhoto by myself in the East Village, around Ninth Street and First Avenue.

The sign in a store window reads:
'No Dogs! We have three rescue cats and they do not like dogs & will attack them and their owners. It's not a pretty sight! This is for your protection! Thank You!'

Yes, even the cats have attitude in this part of town.


Related posts: Cats on Leashes, Louie and Stray Cat, Brooklyn.


Andrea said...

The cat's look says it all lol.

• Eliane • said...

Brrr.. be afraid, be very afraid!!!
I love it! :)

elsie said...

This shot is perfection - away evil puppies away with you!!!

Fredrik said...

Ha, what a cool cat!