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Monday, August 23, 2010

Greetings from Tokyo

Shibuya, Japan
Photo by myself in Shibuya, in Tokyo, Japan.

Greetings from Japan! I will be posting from various parts of Japan for the next several days. Mark and I are traveling through Tokyo and Fukuoka for vacation.

When we landed after a 13-hour flight, it was 3:00 pm. We stayed up until 10:30 pm or so, which is 9:00 am, New York time. We're staying in Shibuya, a district in Tokyo that is known for crowds of 20-something year olds, bright lights, eateries and tons of stores.

For dinner we managed to find a tiny restaurant specializing in ramen noodles. We had noodles with pork, egg and sliced scallions in a rich broth. Mmmm....

Noodle Shop, Shibuya
This restaurant seats about ten, crowded around a narrow bar.

Ramen, Shibuya
Perhaps the most scrumptious bowl of ramen I've ever had.

Condomania, Shibuya
We have at least one of these stores in Manhattan. Strangely this one had a Brooklyn sign in front (lower left).

More tomorrow, about our busy day today, which started out at 5:30 am at the Tsujiki Fish Market.

Related posts: Cold Noodles and Hot Shows, On Japanese Food and Fish and Serving Up Sushi, at 15 East 15th.


Anonymous said...

Oh how I envy you and the "significant other".
I hope that you have a wonderful holiday; sights sounds and great food all to be covered in pics for your daily blog. I am so looking forward to the next ten days pics.

Olivier said...

voila un beau voyage, avec de belles photos de nuit de Tokyo

Anonymous said...

tokyo? I've always wanted to go there! :)

Joanne said...

Oh wow! I was there for 3 weeks in March/ April, it is such a fascinating country, I loved it soooo much:)) Have a great time!

Leif Hagen said...

Konnichiwa! A great Tokyo photo! Oh how I loved living and teaching in Japan for 2 years back in 1989 - 1991! Have a great trip! Show us some more photos, please! Sayonara!

Yukinori Katayama said...

I am here in hiroshima, Kitty!
You guys should visit our Hiroshima. It's only 565 miles from Tokyo! :)

Luis Gomez said...

Thank you for sharing these. Love your images! Have a great trip.

rb said...

Fantastic! Lucky you. Looking forward to seeing your postings from Tokyo.

But what about Rupert? What have you done with him?

Stephanie said...

Looking forward to seeing your pictures of this unbelievable country over the next couple of weeks. I also had the best ramen in my life in a tiny Tokyo restaurant. Enjoy!

nycstylelittlecannoli said...

neat photos...glad u made it there safe..looking forward to seeing a new country.

Josh Bergeron said...

Colorful and energetic night shot - Japan is an amazing place!

fishwithoutbicycle said...

Have a fantastic trip Kitty

Eve said...

I am so enjoying all of your photos of Japan. I hope you have a great time and a safe trip back home :D