Photo by myself in Soho.
An artist had his work up for sale against backdrop covered in paint and graffiti. It was difficult to tell what was art and what was the background.
Life is busier these days. Things are picking up again at the office. Clients want everything in less time for less money. Contractors are willing to negotiate. It all means a lot more legwork for us architects.
Meanwhile, Mark has been working full days at a large advertising agency. So we've had to send Rupert to doggie day care, rather than have a dog walker come in. We're woken up at 7:00, with the front door opening and Rupert waking up to howl as if he's being abducted by aliens.
Rupert is taken to Prospect Park on the nicer mornings to run around before spending a whole day romping some more with his buddies. We've been told that Rupert loves running around so much, he fails to eat his lunch! At night, he comes home, does some token running about, then collapses on the floor like a sack of potatoes.
I love doggie day care!

Rupert as a potato sack. He enjoys sunning himself when at home.
Related posts: Pasted Up in the Meatpacking District, Abandoned Lot, East Village and Signs of the Times.
Lets say the guy picked the wrong backgroun for his art.
Sounds like Rupert is having a great time.
Rupert is just sooo cute!
Wonder how many the artist sold...
An artist and he chose that backgroynd... huh!
Ah, yes! Rupert does a credible imitation of a potato sack!
Yes, thanks Washington!
Thanks Joanne! I will pass on the message to him. He will be mildly embarrassed ;-)
Hi Mark
I wonder about how well these artists do, as well. Soho was unfortunately very empty when I was there, I think because of the impending snow. I'm sure it's not an easy living.
Hi Louis
Thanks! Yes, this pose is slightly different from his flour sack imitation, lol.
I agree with Washington and was about to say the same thing. It took me a second or two to see his art on the Pepto Bismol background.
Bibi has a favorite summing spot, too.
Rupert looks sooo sweet! My bro-inlaw has his two labs at doggie day care every day & they love it too.
Hey--somehow when I clicked on your 'dragon photo' comment box and this came up. Anyway, I like the dragon colorful...and here it's soooo white.
Hi Bibi
I'd love to see Bibi's sunning spot. It's so sweet that they have these things.
Ha Lily
I can't imagine having two dogs. One is plenty!
Thanks Bibi
Hopefully the problem is fixed? I'm crossing my fingers.
Hahahaha! Poor Rupert! Life must be hard for a cute pooch like him.
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