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Saturday, July 17, 2010

On the Platform, at 9th Street, in Park Slope

9th Street, Brooklyn in the morning light
Photo by myself, on the 9th Street subway platform, in Park Slope, Brooklyn.

A rare moment, being alone on the subway platform. The early morning light was filtering in from above the train tracks. There was temporary fencing up, while (continuous) repair work is being done.

There are a few raised subway platforms in Manhattan and Brooklyn, but most subway stations are located below ground. Indoor stations are a mixed bag - they provide shelter in the cold winter months, but are stifling in the summer.


I had to cross from this platform to another one Friday morning, and walked through a series of stairs and tunnels. I was slightly freaked out because no one else was around. Something could happen in those empty tunnels and I was completely vulnerable.

Rationally, I knew nothing would happen, and thankfully nothing did. There is safety in numbers. New York is safe because bars are open late, people walk the streets, and there is a sense that if something happened, people would know about it and you'd be okay.

Being alone in a subway tunnel? A rare event and a different story.

Related posts: Commuting in the Hood - on the Atlantic/Pacific Platform, See Saw, Underground and Moving on Up.


Marcia said...

Kitty here in the Metro Detroit area we have a People Mover that circles the downtown area and many a time I have been alone in the station with no one even on the street and it is weird. The worse part is when the escalator is off for repairs and the elevator is too so you have to use the outside stairs, no fun. But the station art is fabulous to look at while you wait for the trains.

Ken said...

a classic image kitty. Funny, how even though you were alone when you took this photo..by posting it you are creating a visual crowd around it. :)

Yukinori Katayama said...

you could succeed to catch the moment in the picture, its "breath" or "quiet".

elsie said...

funny that photo made me feel instantly uneasy - unless a section of NY has been emptied for a movie shoot - being all alone anywhere in the city always seems a bit ominous and dangerous to me too - glad you got the shot and nothing else!!

biebkriebels said...

Glad you made it safely, I recognize the feeling, but the picture is beautiful as all your photo's always are!

Sharon M said...

This reminds me of a time when I was completely alone at the train station in Newark, NJ. Yes, I know the feeling.

Kitty said...

Thanks everyone.
I'm not surprised that so many women could relate to me.

Marcia, the words 'Metro Detroit' and 'alone' sound scary when put together. I'm glad nothing happened!

Hi Ken, that's a poetic thought. I like it!

Thank you Nori!

Ha Elsiee. True, it is a rare moment when you're actually alone here.

Thanks Biebkriebels!

Hi SharonM
Eek. Newark alone would scare me to bits. I am glad you survived it!