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Saturday, September 18, 2010

On Art and Art Lovers

Choir, Union Square
Photo by myself in Union Square.

Above, a slightly freaky image.

The choir that accompanied the preacher in yesterday's post wore black robes and striking white make up. I'm not sure of the significance of the costumes, which looked surreal.


Mark and I watched an incredible documentary, called Herb and Dorothy. It is an absolute must-see for anyone who likes art.

Herb and Dorothy Vogel are among the most eminent collectors of conceptual and minimal art. Between the 60's and today, they amassed several thousand pieces of art, which they kept in their one-bedroom New York City apartment.

While visiting artists and galleries, the Vogels befriended artists themselves, such as Sol Lewitt and Donald Judd. Incredibly, they collected art using only their modest salaries - Dorothy was a librarian and Herbert was a postal worker. And they never sold anything they purchased, despite escalating values in the art world.

Herb and Dorothy collected for the love of collecting. I so recommend this fascinating movie, which features not just the Vogels, but the artists, the love of art and the New York art scene. Eventually the Vogels donated their collection, worth millions, to the National Gallery in Washington DC.

If you have access to an independent video store or if you have Netflix, drop everything and get this movie now. It is an inspiring look at a lovely and quirky New York couple.

Related posts: Street Theatre for the New City, in the East Village, Now Playing at the Booth Theatre and Singing the Blues, Below Ground.


Ken said...

HI kitty ..great capture..yes a little strange, but the best part of a good image is to figure it out or to make up something yourself! :)

Yukinori Katayama said...

They look very, very mysterious and curious! :)

dianasfaria.com said...

Love this capture!
The choir seems as dedicated to their gospel as the preacher did.
& thanks for the tip. I remember hearing about the Vogels but I had no idea there was a documentary.
Herb & Dorothy are officially next up on the Netflix queue.

Margaret Gosden said...

Love your posts and information!

elsie said...

i loved that documentary - those two were the BEST kind of hoarders ever!

Damien Franco said...

I've got in my Netflix queue at #3 right now.

It's impossible to keep my Netflix queue completely organized and up to date.

It's kinda embarrassing how many movies I have queued up. Seriously. I'm never going to see every movie I want to see.

Prad Savania said...

Hello there! How’s it going?

Impressive post I must say!

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