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Saturday, April 21, 2012

Yawning on the Job, on Broadway

Yawn, Midtown Photo by myself at 30th Street and Broadway, in Midtown.

A fellow was mid-yawn during his work, delivering boxes. Meanwhile, another fellow zipped by on a skateboard. It was a nice, Spring day.

Often, trucks double park to unload on the street, making driving annoying, to say the least. If you ever have the chance to drive in New York City, try to choose a non-rush hour time.

The police are visible, but they often look the other way for smaller violations. It used to be that pedestrians could be ticketed to jaywalking, for instance. No longer.

I thought this photo was ironic, since the items in the boxes were made in China. Though a great deal of manufacturing occurs in China, many items are not affordable there to the common person, especially brand name US goods.

I was horrified to learn that a Nike t-shirt that is made in China can cost four times the amount as it does in the States.


Cesc Sales said...

Warrior deserved rest!

Good snapshot Kitty!

Andy said...

Nice candid shot.