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Friday, May 6, 2011

Found Art, in Midtown

Service Elevator, Midtown
Photo by myself, somewhere in Midtown.

For every building with a public elevator, there at least one service elevator. This one had its doors wide open to the sidewalk.

This service entrance looked like an odd and informal gallery. There was a 'Mona Lisa', a view of the World Trade Towers and a portrait in graphite. At the metal doors of the service elevator, American flags were painted on the panels.

Happy Friday, everyone!

Related posts: Cereal Killers Mural, in Williamsburg, On Target, On Houston and Sand Artist, in Washington Square Park.


Olivier said...

tres americain les oeuvres autour du drapeau des USA.

Leif Hagen said...

How did Mona get from the Louvre to NYC?

Beatrice B. said...

this is the real mona - unpretentious, cool and underground. She's always been like this. The one at Louvre is fake ;)


Pierre said...

Very strange this museum of american treasure. Mona lisa seems lost in this place ;)

New York Advisor said...

Excellent photos...
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Unknown said...

nice way to dress up an elevator!!

Joanne said...

Love it!