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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Looking Cool in the Heat, in Chinatown

Sunny, yet cool
Photo by myself, somewhere in Chinatown.

As it is in many places right now, it's been extremely hot here in New York. Temperatures have been hovering in the high 90s and low 100s.

You can tell the man on the right is squinting into the bright sunlight. Umbrellas help on these sunny days.

To the right, most people are limited to buy what they can carry home, which can be a good thing.

Related posts: From Under the Banner, in Chinatown, Shopping Til Dropping, on Canal Street and En Masse, On Canal Street.


Yukinori Katayama said...

Sun-shade parasol is very popular in our country. But it is only for ladies! We don't know why...

RedPat said...

It's amazing the difference an umbrella makes!

Stefan Jansson said...

My brother works from Cyprus. After the huge explosion there a while back, the power comes and goes so the the air con don't work. It's normally around 40C there this time of the year. So he flew back to Sweden. Here it is only 22C or so.

Banjo52 said...

Do you think he's following her, or is he too uncomfortable to care?

Ola said...

I naver used it against sun:)