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Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Morning Serenade

Morning Seranade
Photo by myself, on the subway.

A trio of musicians on the subway is not an unusual sight. Wednesday morning, an accordion player accompanied two fellows playing guitar.

The subway was swaying a bit while I took this photo. I raised the ISO setting on my camera and held onto my fiance Mark at the same time, lol.

Related posts: Serenading the Crowds on the Subway Platform, The King of Song, Below Ground and On Bach Partitas and Danger Underground.


Romulo Vela said...

Hi! Is music of the northern of Mexico, called 'norteña', accordion, sixth bass (12 strings guitar) and guitar (6 strings), =0)

Yukinori Katayama said...

You really have lots of airtist in the city!

Kitty said...

Hi Romulo and welcome!
Yes, that must be it. The various guys I've seen always look like they're Mexican.

They sing these very quaint little songs, a tiny bit out of tune, making them even more quaint. It's great unless you're on a crowded train and the fellows have to squeeze by you with their guitars. No space! ha.

Hi Nori
Yes, never a dull moment!

dianasfaria.com said...

I love your over the shoulder viewpoint in this photo Kitty!

Banjo52 said...

This is a fun scene to contemplate. I wonder if there are times--say, after a lousy day at the office--when such performers would annoy more than entertain . . . Do they need a permit?