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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Under Cover, in Midtown

NY rain
Photo by myself in Midtown.

A photo from earlier in the week, when it was raining just about every %*@#/! day.

The two women above were probably visiting from elsewhere. Most people who tote things with 'New York' logos don't live in New York.

New Yorkers have more of a love-hate relationship with the city ;-)


I saw the women above, while leaving my office. I practically chased them down the sidewalk, getting my camera out and set up.

Fortunately, they came to a stop at the intersection and I was able to snap a couple quick shots. I'm sure I looked like a crazy person to passersby.

Related posts: The Met Life Tower, in the Rain, On Rainy Nights and Busy Days and Rain, Rain, Go Away.