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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Look, Outside the Flatiron Building

Flatiron tourbus, nyc Photo by myself outside the Flatiron Building at 23rd Street and Fifth Avenue.

A tour bus stopped for a nanosecond in front of the detailed facade of the Flatiron Building.

You can see all the gorgeous stonework beyond. Meanwhile, a man gave me 'a look'.

More apologies are in order on my part for missing yet another day on this blog.

Yes, it's been insanely busy as usual. I'm also off to LA on Thursday to visit Mark, who is working there on a project. Photos will continue here, as usual!


Olivier said...

ça me rappelle ma 1ere fois a NYC, j'avais fait le tour de Manhattan dans ces cars, c’était sympa pour découvrir

Andy said...

Seeing detailed work in buildings like this one is a thing of the past.

fruitandcake said...

Beautiful picture. Does anyone know if the building was really named after a clothes iron? Thanks

matt said...

Do you think the guy on the bus looks like Bill Murry?

Washington Cesar Takeuchi said...

Hi Kitty! I love this building! There is a building here in Curitiba that its project was based on the Flatiron (of course it is not as amazing as the original).