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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Woman with a Cat on Her Back

Cat and friends, Midtown
Photo by myself, in Midtown.

A cat lounged with his giant, stuffed buddies, Monday afternoon.

Just down the street from my office, there is a cat that lives in a shop. Nearly every day, he comes out and sits on the sidewalk across from two stuffed teddy bears.

For many minutes, he will sit and stare at the bears. Sometimes he sits and stares at his own reflection in the metal storefront. For a cat, he is an odd bird ;-)

After I took the above photo, I crossed the street. Moments later, a woman walked down the sidewalk and said hello to the cat.

She squatted down to pet the cat. The cat then....climbed up on her lap....and then climbed up on her back. Haha. I was lucky to catch the acrobatics.

By the way, one of the most popular posts on this site is The Guy with a Cat on His Head. He and his cat are fixtures here in the city.

The Woman with a Cat on her back

Related posts: Cats on Leashes, Cat on a Leash, in Midtown and Beware of Cat, East Village.


Olivier said...

les deux photos sont tres bonnes, mais j'aime bien la famille ours ;))

King of New York Hacks said...

Awesome blog you have here, someone sent me the link to the cat on the head post because I just did a post and small video of him on my blog. He's hilarious! Brilliant pics you take. Maybe I'll see ya in my taxi one day, can't believe I've never seen your blog before.Great stuff, Cheers ~ Edward

Beatrice B. said...

hahaha that's awesome! I saw guys with parrots on their shoulder on the subway...always a great picture!


s.c said...

That's a great little reportage. Also great that such a big city has so much animal lovers and that in the hectic of live there is place for this.

Luis Gomez said...

Excellent! Great post Kitty.

Yukinori Katayama said...

ahahaha! great picture!!

Leif Hagen said...

I especially like the "Bears & Cat" photo! Cute!

dianasfaria.com said...

oh how cute! animals are the best.