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Monday, September 19, 2011

On Line, in Midtown

On line, Midtown
Photo by myself, somewhere in Midtown.

A line of people were waiting for their morning coffee or pastries, in Midtown. For some reason, this coffee truck was very popular.

Coffee trucks can be more personal than larger shops. The owner will often remember your daily order and serve it up with a smile and without any instruction.

Back to the daily grind. Happy Monday, everyone!

Related posts: In Line, on the Phone, Lining Up, Election Day and Waiting on Line, Fifth Avenue.


Olivier said...

j'ai toujours ete impressionne par le monde le matin qui fait la queue pour les cafes dans les fast food car

Beatrice B. said...

I can't believe that people have that much patience and time to wait in line for a random coffee on a monday morning... usually it gotta go quick, everything...


biebkriebels said...

They look very patient, do they have time for it? Here everybody is always rushing to work.

Yukinori Katayama said...

amazing! we will bye them at "seven eleven" if we have to wait for long time. ;)

Ken Mac said...

3 years ago these men were on Wall Street, ordering coffee from Starbucks. Now they line up for a deal!

The Kid said...

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Banjo52 said...

"Where everybody knows your name" maybe?

Lucas Kain said...

Wow, the coffee must be really good there! Or just one of those places, where you have bought alcaloid beverages for months and you don't want to think about another place :)

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