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Monday, April 30, 2012

On Monday Mornings and Time to Make the Donuts

Morning, in Midtown Photo by myself, somewhere in Midtown.

Oh boy, it's Monday again. How does that happen?

Here's another photo from the stash, showing a typical scene in Midtown - a bevy of taxis, asphalt, and a couple of guys slogging away, lol.

I rooted around this blog and was surprised I haven't posted the clip below before? It's one of my favorite ads. Some of the most well-known commercials from the '80s featured a little guy named 'Fred the Baker', for Dunkin' Donuts.

The slogan was 'Time to make the Donuts', meaning that fresh donuts were being made constantly, and poor Fred had no time to relax (!).

My fiance Mark had to work all weekend. Mark also works in advertising. There is a connection in there. Enjoy!

 Related posts: Looking Up, in Midtown, Crowd Crossing, at 34th Street, and On Crossing the Street, and Living Dangerously.


Olivier said...

En France on ne mange pas trop de Donuts ;( dommage car c'est tres bon. J'aime l'energie du bonhomme ;)

Profile Not Available said...

Monday morning game faces. What is on his hand?

Terry at Blue Kitchen said...

I remember that commercial! Often, when my art director partner and I were getting down to business on an assignment (I work in advertising too), One of us would say, "Time to make the donuts."