Photo by myself in Washington Square Park, in the Village.
A very informal concert in Washington Square Park took place during a brief glimmer of sunshine, Sunday morning.
A pianist performed on an upright piano that was on temporary wheels. Slapped on the side of the piano is a sticker that says 'Manhattan Mini Storage', a popular storage company in the area.
I thought it'd be interesting to show photos once in a while taken by visitors to New York. What better way to see a city, than from a fresh set of eyes?
Here are a couple wonderful detail photos, taken by my friend Carmelo in Italy. Carmelo visited New York on his honeymoon last summer and took over 5,000 photos in 10 days!
Photo by Carmelo. New Yorkers can be a fidgety bunch, with our caffeine, cigarettes and mobile devices.
Photo by Carmelo. Another pianist played outside, during Play Me, I'm Yours, a city-wide public arts project held last summer.
Thank you, Carmelo, for these great shots! I will file these under 'New York Visitors' and share such viewpoints, once in a while.
Related posts: Playing Pianos as Public Art, Strike up the Band, in Washington Square Park and Looming Above Washington Square Park.