Photo by myself, in Kyoto, Japan.
A young woman dressed as a geisha walked down one of the picturesque streets in Kyoto, Japan.
Some of the streets in Kyoto are lined with traditional bars and tea houses, where geishas and geisha apprentices entertain visitors.
Kyoto is a very large city, located a couple hours outside Tokyo. Just a few streets away from the above photo were high end, modern shopping malls and streets teeming with people and taxis.
We had a lovely time walking about this city, if only for a couple days. It's been a long trip, though, and we'll be happy to return home.
One of the narrow historic streets at night. Lanterns are hung outside eateries and bars, inviting visitors inside.
Shrines and temples are scattered throughout the city. The above shrine was precious.
Two geishas conversed. Parasols provide protection against the bright summer sun.
Related posts: Greetings from Tokyo, Highlights from Japan, Part One, and Highlights from Japan, Part Two.
Friday, August 31, 2012
A Glimpse of Old Japan, in Kyoto
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Outside Park 79 on the Upper West Side
Photo by myself at 79th Street and Columbus Avenue, on the Upper West Side.
Just about dusk, the lights turned on at Park 79, a very pretty hotel on the Upper West Side.
This hotel is located a couple blocks away from Central Park. Across the street, off to the right, is the Museum of Natural History. This is a very quiet, residential neighborhood.
This photo is from the stash. We are still in Japan and will be leaving on Saturday, returning to New York.
Related posts: The Warm Glow of 2112 Broadway, on the Upper West Side, All Lit up at 72nd Street, and In Neon, on the Upper West Side.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Evening, on Sixth Avenue
Photo by myself on Sixth Avenue, in Midtown.
A photo from the mothership. Lights and cabs crowd Sixth Avenue all day and night, making it a rather shiny place to be.
I must say that New York City is nowhere as crowded as some cities in Japan. There are not nearly as many stores, or eateries or lights or signs. When confronted with a crowded sidewalk on a typical day in Midtown, I should not complain.
Happy Wednesday to all!
Related posts: Streetside, in Midtown, Burning Bright, in Times Square, and The Empire State, at Dusk. Read more...
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
A Farewell to Fukuoka, Japan and Ichiran Ramen
Photo by myself in Fukuoka, Japan.
A night view at one of the many yatai along the canals in Fukuoka, Japan.
Fukuoka is a canal city and is much smaller in scale than Tokyo. 'Yatai' are the street carts parked along the main canals in Fukuoka, at night. They serve up satay, ramen and beer. During the day, the cooks rest and the yatai are packed up and parked away.
My fiance Mark and I are leaving Fukuoka on Wednesday, traveling to Kyoto, a historic city about 3 hours away. This was our second visit to Fukuoka and I am absolutely saddened to leave.
There is a vibrant street culture here that is precious. People are friendly and very polite when approached (in general, the Japanese keep to themselves). We have enjoyed walking about and getting to know this city.
Bright lights and lanterns make each yatai dinner festive. The canal is to the right, out of frame.
One of the vendors pulls his cart to a parking space. It is hot and humid, day and night. The canal is visible to the left.
One of our favorite discoveries has been Ichiran noodles. Ichiran is a chain of restaurants throughout Japan.
Eating Ichiran noodles means sitting at a bar with blinders to either side, so you are focused on your food experience. The main attraction is tonkatsu ramen, a traditional ramen in a broth made from stewing pork bones for hours.
You order your food via vending machine, as with many Japanese restaurants. Then you customize your order with a checklist - firm noodles or soft, with hot sauce or without, with pork meat or not.
Then you place your order by pressing a button. A waiter/waitress rolls up the screen and takes your order. You can only see a bit of their torso. After a few minutes, presto, your ramen is delivered in a clay pot, and the screen is rolled down.
A photo from my Ichiran booth. I can see into the alley where the waiters work, through to the booth opposite me. The call button is ahead of me, my customized checklist is to the right.
A photo of my Ichiran booth. Each booth has its own water dispenser, glasses, soup ladles and wall of instructions.
Your noodle soup comes in a clay container with a lid. Condiments such as scallions, hot sauce, pork and garlic are custom-calibrated. Absolutely delicious. This was lunch. Dinner looked very similar!
Each ramen costs about $10 US. You can add full or half-servings of noodles to your broth as well. I was so in love with this place, I went once for lunch and again for dinner!!!
Mark and I are delighted to learn that there will be an Ichiran opening in New York, though we're not sure when. I'm also doubtful how well these booths will hold up in New York, where younger kids tend to litter everything with graffiti.
For more about Ichiran, see their website (in English) here.
I am away in Japan through the rest of August! Posts will continue here, as usual.
Related posts: On Night Life in Fukuoka, Japan, A Trip to the Countryside, in Yufuin, Japan, and Highlights from Japan, Part One.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Cats for Hire at the Neko Cafe Keurig, in Fukuoka, Japan
Photo by myself at the Neko Cafe Keurig in Fukuoka, Japan.
One of 30 cats at the Neko Cafe Keurig paid me no mind, Sunday afternoon. In the background is the petting room and cafe entrance.
I stumbled upon a unique cafe in the Daimyo shopping district of Fukuoka, Sunday. 'Neko' means 'cat' in Japanese. In Japan, for those who love cats but cannot own one, the solution is to visit a neko cafe and spend time with cats (!).
There were cats on high perches, and cats walking across gangplanks, and cats walking about with customers. Six cats slept on top of each other in the corner of the front window (!). Meanwhile, small kittens slept in cages.
I met the cafe owner, Kayano Nomura. She is a sweet lady who rescues cats from the streets and finds homes for them. Nomura has saved some 200 cats already (!). She made me feel right at home.
One customer held court with cat treats. Several hungry creatures clamored for her attention.
Adorable kittens rescued from the streets sat and slept in cages. The kitten looking at the camera and I had a nice play session.
The storefront of the cafe says it all.
A session of 30 minutes is 280 yen, or $3.50 US. Cooling drinks and snacks are served as well. I had a lovely time and will visit again on my next trip.
For more about the Neko Cafe Keurig and Nomura, including some great photos, click here.
For the Neko Cafe Keurig website, which links to their blog ('Today's Cat Cafe', both in Japanese) click here.
I am away in Japan through the rest of August! Posts will continue here, as usual.
Related posts: The Woman with a Cat on her Back, Cat on a Leash, in Midtown, and Beware of Cat, in the East Village.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
A Superhero, an Alligator and a Samurai Crossed the Street...
Photo by myself at MacDougal and Bleecker Streets, in the Village.
Sounds like a joke, eh?
On their way to a costume party, I can only assume, three unlikely buddies crossed the street. Their get-ups aroused some curiosity.
Fortunately, anything goes in this city. I'd say anything short of walking around bare naked is okay, ha.
Related posts: Gold Guy, at 59th Street, Leaving the Santa Convention, in the East Village, and Funky Chicken, in Park Slope, Brooklyn.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
A Day Excursion to Nara, Japan
Photo by myself in Nara, Japan.
Several deer mingle with visitors in Nara. Above, one of the gorgeous historic wooden structures in the park.
Nara was once the capital of Japan, back between 710 to 784, when it was called Heijokyo. The city is located 4 hours from Fukuoka, where we are staying. It is 1 hour away from Kyoto, another historic city we will visit later, and it is 3.5 hours from Tokyo.
I visited Nara on Friday, as much to see the historic temples as the deer, which are not afraid of humans.
It was a bright and super-hot day. The walk from the train station to Nara Park was a short one, lined with stores and eateries. Deer were scattered about and hawkers were selling bread to feed them for 150 yen (about $2 US).
One of the first things I did was buy some bread to feed the deer. I immediately found myself swarmed by male bucks. The pushiest one kept poking me with his antlers. At one point I had my back turned and got some serious pokes from behind. All I can say is, OUCH!!
I love animals, but after a short while I decided the deer were stomachs on legs. The females and younger males were much less pushy.
My nemesis. Note the very, very pointy antler ends and evil gleam in his eye. This fellow probably stays up at night sharpening his antlers with glee.
As for the temples, they are certainly a must-see. Some seemed much larger than the ones I saw in Beijing earlier this year, with swooping roofs and deep overhangs. The gate near the Todaiji Temple was very tall, with soaring timber supports inside. You could see all the joinery, which was incredible.
The Kohfukuji Temple was reconstructed in 1426, after burning down five times.
Outside the Todaiji Temple, which houses a huge wooden buddha. The Temple is the largest wooden structure in the world.
A sign warning of the deer. I am the figure on the lower left.
One of the many bucks getting some attention from schoolchildren. He is snickering at me.
A final view looking out from the Todaiji Temple. As you can see, the grounds are meticulously kept.
I am away in Japan through the rest of August! Posts will continue here, as usual.
Related posts: On French Maids and Boston Terriers, in Japan, A Trip to the Countryside, in Yufuin, Japan, and A Visit to the Tsujiki Fish Market, in Tokyo.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Walking by, in the East Village
Photo by myself, in the East Village.
Outside a storefront in the East Village, all sorts of people were in mid-step.
I wish I'd taken other photos outside this store. Without a complete name or other markers, I can't figure out where in the city it was taken.
Edit: PS, thanks tons to EVGrieve for clarifying the location!!! It's Sixth and Avenue B, just near Tompkins Square Park. The area is low key and cool, untainted by chain stores.
Special news reports were broadcast at 11pm Japan time, 10am New York Time. A gunman had opened fire on passersby on a weekday morning.
The police came by rather quickly but within seconds, ten people had been shot. I know the area intimately and most of the time, the sidewalks are packed with people waiting to enter the Empire State Building and boarding tour buses.
So after my telling everyone repeatedly on this blog that New York is safe, is a random shooting during a very busy time of day. Argh! A few weeks ago, another fellow was killed during the day by police. He had threatened people with a knife in Times Square.
Related posts: Outside Sol Moscot, on the Lower East Side, Business as Usual, in Midtown, and Holy Smokes, in the East Village. Read more...
Thursday, August 23, 2012
A Brief Hello, from Japan
Photo by myself, in Tokyo, in Shibuya.
There are machines for canned and bottled drinks, and cigarettes everywhere in Japan.
Even on residential streets, you will come across a machine once in a while. Bottled water, sodas and iced coffee are available for around 100-150 yen, which is about $1.50-$2.00 US.
Tokyo is a very large city, broken up into various neighborhoods. The above photo was taken in Shibuya, where we stayed our first night. Shibuya is sort of like Times Square in that there are tons of people and giant billboards.
I've taken far fewer photos during our first days in Tokyo and Fukuoka for a couple reasons. One is that it is insanely hot. The other is that I was wearing the wrong footwear and was in a grumpy mood.
I don't recommend visiting Japan in August. The weather here is extremely humid. There are monsoon-like thunderstorms every afternoon.
A young waitress sat outside a restaurant in the early morning. The wall is covered in graffiti-inspired stickers.
My fiance took this photo of some graffiti art.
For whatever reason, I've noticed a lot more graffiti on this trip. Stickers are everywhere, and some stickers are the product of graffiti artists in the US.
I'll be in Japan until the end of August. Photos will continue on this blog, in the meantime.
Related posts: Highlights from Japan, Part One, Highlights from Japan, Part Two, and Greetings, from Tokyo.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
The Crowd on MacDougal Street, in the Village
Photo by myself on MacDougal Street in the Village.
The streets were filled with people in the Village, Sunday night. People were standing outside Artichoke, a pizza place on MacDougal Street, near Minetta Lane. You can see the pizza ovens, just inside the door.
Restaurants, bars and stores had their doors flung wide open. People were dining on the streets and just milling about. It is the height of tourist season.
My fiance Mark and I will be traveling to Fukuoka Tuesday afternoon, where we'll be staying with friends for several days. We last visited Japan a couple years ago.
We'll then visit Kyoto, which is a gorgeous historic area, before returning to Tokyo and then New York. So far, so good. As early as 6am, it is wildly hot and humid.
Related posts: Night View, the Village, Browsing Around, in the Village, and West 10th Street, at Night. Read more...
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Portrait of Two New Yorkers, in Washington Square Park
Photo by myself in Washington Square Park, in the Village.
While sitting in Washington Square Park, Sunday afternoon, I encountered a gentle New Yorker and his Owner.
They live close to the park and were so nice to pose for me.
The four-legged New Yorker sniffed my hand and gave me a lick. Meanwhile, tons of people were milling about and a pianist was playing music outside.
The dear pup gave my camera a sideways look.
Both were patient with me, allowing multiple shots. I could not resist!
The Portrait Series is a once-in-a-while installment, featuring New Yorkers encountered on the street.
Related posts: Portrait of Five New Yorkers, on the Upper East Side, Portrait of a Dog Owner, in Tompkins Square Park, and Tough Times on the Sidewalk.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Water on the Go, in Herald Square
Photo by myself in Washington Square Park, in the Village.
Public water fountains with multiple spigots are on the street, advertising 'NYC Water-on-the-Go'. The fountains are fed with New York City tap water.
The City-run program is educates people about our tap water, which is incredibly clean. Usage of plastic bottles is reduced as a result.
For more about the City's water-on-the-go program, click here.
I'm not used to traveling so often. I found myself nostalgic about New York before I even left. We've been having gorgeous weather here, this past week.
It's a long flight to Tokyo, and we are flying direct. We'll get there Tuesday afternoon, New York time. Photos and posts will continue here, as usual.
Related posts: On City Water and Recent Talks at City Winery, Tough Times, on the Sidewalk, and Drinkers Wanted, in Brooklyn. Read more...
Saturday, August 18, 2012
On Street Carts and Bill Cunningham New York
Photo by myself on Sixth Avenue around 32nd Street, in Midtown.
There are so many street carts out on the sidewalks right now, one doesn't need to find a restaurant for dinner.
I was shooting a cart vendor who was framed in light. We happened to look up at each other at the same moment, just after a woman passed by.
Bill Cunningham New York is a documentary about Bill Cunningham, a street fashion photographer for the New York Times. His 'On the Street' feature is firmly established in the Style section, showing New Yorkers grouped according to fashion theme. It might be denim or slingback heels or cut-offs, whatever happens to be the fashion zeitgeist on the streets or on the runways.
Cunningham himself is a colorful character. He has almost no belongings, save his photo negatives, which are kept in dozens of file drawers. He often works for free. He wears the same blue jacket all the time. He lived in a tiny, tiny artist studio above Carnegie Hall for years.
The documentary shows him in his 60s through to his 80s (he's 82 this year!). To watch him biking around the city and spryly taking photos of passersby on the sidewalks wearing a big toothy grin is absolutely inspiring. He is obviously in love with looking at what people are wearing and taking photos.
I cannot recommend this movie enough. If you're interested in fashion and New York and photography, you will enjoy it.
To learn more about the documentary and watch it online, click here.
Related posts: Off-Kilter, on 18th Street, Faces in Fashion, in Bryant Park, and Fashionista Not. Read more...
Friday, August 17, 2012
Fancy Living on the Upper East Side
Photo by myself at Fifth Avenue and 73rd Street, on the Upper East Side.
The lobby of 912 Fifth Avenue is lofty and gorgeous, with polished stone floors and floor-to-ceiling marble walls.
Antique furnishings decorate the space. In the corner to the right is a small cabinet below the house phone. Further into the lobby where I was sitting, were a couple elegant sofas and lamp tables.
The steps off to either side lead to offices that occupy the first floor. This is a common feature in large apartment buildings. The first floor spaces are not so desirable in terms of privacy from the sidewalk.
When people say 'white glove building', they're referring to the uniformed doormen who hold the door open for you and hail you cabs. And announce your visitors, call the elevators, and receive your packages and dry cleaning.
Most of the buildings along Fifth Avenue north of 59th Street have such lobbies, each beautifully decorated in its own way. There are also many large fancy buildings lining Park Avenue and Central Park West.
Related posts: Sixth Avenue, in the Rain, On Rainy Nights and Busy Days, and The MetLife Tower, in the Rain.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
After the Rain, in Midtown
Photo by myself on Sixth Avenue, in Midtown.
It rained, Wednesday evening. Finally.
The days have been fluctuating between hot-ish to insanely humid. People were out with their umbrellas, crowding the sidewalks.
I had to look up the reason for the name on Wikipedia. The street was given the additional name in 1945, to spruce up its shabbiness.
Sixth is now on par with the other Seventh and Eighth, but it will never be Fifth. Busy. Lined with tall buildings.
None of the other avenues have nicknames. And in fact, New Yorkers never call Sixth Avenue by the longer name. But it's there nonetheless. Hm.
Related posts: Sixth Avenue, in the Rain, On Rainy Nights and Busy Days, and The MetLife Tower, in the Rain. Read more...
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Traffic on Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn
Photo by myself on Flatbush Avenue, in Brooklyn.
Ahead, the Williamsburg Bank is the tallest building in Brooklyn.
The building located on Flatbush Avenue in Brooklyn, near the Brooklyn Academy of Music. In 2006, it was converted from an office building to luxury condominiums.
I was stuck in a cab in traffic, Tuesday night. There was a major snafu on subway lines to Brooklyn - the B, F, N, R and Q trains were delayed due to smoke on the train tracks.
My fiance Mark texted me at work with the news. I didn't want to risk getting trapped in the subway for a couple hours, so I jumped in a cab with another Brooklynite coworker.
And then we hit traffic!
Related posts: Street View at the New Cooper Union Building, At Work, in Midtown, and Looking Up at 240 Centre Street.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Moving and Shaking, in Midtown
Photo by myself, in Midtown.
Oh, just another crowded day in Midtown.
As on every day, there were people milling about and deals being made on each street corner.
Related posts: In Line, on the Phone, Grinning and Bearing it, on 42nd Street, and Madge + Macy's = Mayhem.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Summer Ice, in Park Slope, Brooklyn
Photo by myself in Park Slope, Brooklyn.
Ice cream and flavored ice is a welcomed relief to the horribly humid weather we've been having. Some children had a hard time deciding on a flavor Saturday, in Park Slope.
It seemed much too unhealthy to even be outside, with 90% humidity (!). Rain was in the forecast, but it never came about.
Today is thankfully much, much better.
Related posts: A Sunset View, from Battery Park, Sunset, along the West Side Highway, and Sunset, from Brooklyn Bridge Beach.
Friday, August 10, 2012
On the Subway Platform in Downtown Brooklyn
Photo by myself on the platform at the Metrotech station in Brooklyn.
A photo from a cooler time, when people wore jackets and weren't sweating like crazy.
It is very, very hot, and not just above ground. Below ground, the temperature is much warmer, since there is little air circulation. Plus, there's all the exhaust from the subway air conditioners.
When on the subway platforms, people stand very still with their arms out from their sides. I can't imagine what the fellows in suits do. (I think they take cabs).
All too often, we watch action go by on video. It's spectacular of course, but you forget that there are split seconds of time that you're missing.
I do wish the photos in the Times showed a larger spectrum of countries. The images do generally focus on the American atheletes. You can check out the photos here.
Related posts: On Street Photos in Midtown and Online, Sunset, along the West Side Highway, and Sunset, from Brooklyn Bridge Beach. Read more...
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Sunset, on the Upper West Side
Photo by myself around 73rd Street and Broadway, on the Upper West Side.
The sun was setting Tuesday, as it does every day. All the buildings were in shadow and the sky looked brilliant. The delicate silhouette of a water tower was poised in the background.
Along the right, the different heights and outcroppings of the buildings (townhouses standing side-by-side) make an irregular wall.
I used to live in this neighborhood, and I much-preferred having sunsets over sunrises. ;-)
Related posts: A Sunset View, from Battery Park, Sunset, along the West Side Highway, and Sunset, from Brooklyn Bridge Beach.
Monday, August 6, 2012
Tuned Out, in Herald Square
Photo by myself at 34th Street and Sixth Avenue, in Herald Square.
A woman crossed the street wearing headphones. It had rained earlier in the day, leaving a nice sheen on the streets.
The above photo is from the stash. It's been much too hot and humid to walk around and take photos.
Many folks walk down the streets or in the subway wearing headphones or headsets to their phones. The traffic can be noisy, so you have to turn the sound up quite a bit to really hear anything.
Related posts: Sixth Avenue, in the Rain, On the City, in the Rain, and On Rainy Nights and Busy Days.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
At the Counter of L&B Spumoni Gardens, in Bensonhurst
Photo by myself at L and B Spumoni Gardens at 86th and West 10th Streets, in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn.
At the counter of L&B Spumoni Gardens in Bensonhurst, I asked the fellow taking my order whether I could take a photo. He said to me gruffly, 'Okay, but don't expect me to smile.'
Haha. This tough exterior is typical of this neighborhood, a tell-it-like-it-is attitude. The deep dish Scilian pizzas here are possibly the best in Brooklyn. And we loves and knows our pizzas!
My fiance Mark returned from LA on Friday and one of the first things he said to me was 'L and B Spumoni'. Hence our trek out to Bensonhurst, a 15-minute ride east by car from Park Slope.
The pizza is light, fluffy and doughy, with a wondrous layer of sauce. I know it sounds odd to wax poetic about pizza, but I cannot help myself. A half-tray of Sicilian (12 slices) costs $19. Somehow, we resisted digging in until we got home.
Outdoor seating in front, for families. There is a pizza area, a take-out counter and an ice cream place.
The pizza was delicious as it is always, when we got home.
Above, L and B was featured on Man v. Food.
Check out their website here.
Related posts: Mad. Sq. Eats, in the Flatiron District, Eat Here, Eat Now, in the West Village, and Shining Bright, at Live Bait.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Outside Mamoun's, in the Village
Photo by myself at MacDougal and West Third Streets, in the Village.
There is almost always a line of people waiting to get into Mamoun's, a middle-eastern falafel place in the Village.
The place itself is tiny, with just a counter with a few tables inside. You're lucky to get a seat. They serve falafel, shwarmas and other sandwiches for extremely low prices, for as little as $2.50 a piece.
Mamoun's is also open til 4 or 5 am every day, which means this place is the ideal 'we've-had-too-much-to-drink-and-whoops-now-I'm-suddenly-starving' joint.
I've had many a falafel here, so I can recommend their sandwiches heartily - they are generously sized and served quickly. Check out their website here.
Related posts: Mad. Sq. Eats, in the Flatiron District, Eat Here, Eat Now, in the West Village, and Shining Bright, at Live Bait.
Friday, August 3, 2012
Street Meats, on Seventh Avenue
Photo by myself on 42nd Street and Broadway.
The street carts are always great photo opportunities, with the lights, scrolling LED signs and steam. This cart was selling grilled meats on skewers, pretzels and drinks.
We've been having steamy, uncomfy weather here in New York. It's this time of year when you realize how unnatural it is to go underground (to ride the subway) when it's so darned hot.
Of course, all eyes are turned toward London, at the Olympics. The latest updates are broadcast in the elevator cabs of our office building.
TGIF everyone!
Related posts: Pork is the Answer, on the Lower East Side, Outside Zucco, on the Lower East Side, and A Glimpse into the Orchard Corset Center, on the Lower East Side.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
On Gotham City and a Rupert Update
Photo by myself in Times Square, at 42nd Street and Broadway.
The lights and movie billboards in Times Square make for easy photos. Huge signage for the Batman movie loomed above the typical crowds of people.
Billboards were layered against different types of glass on one of the modern towers. The trusses holding the building up can be seen through the glass.
I walked through this area on Wednesday night. We'd had heavy rain in the morning and it was still very humid after work.
I'm not sure whether it registers to New Yorkers that the Gotham City in the Batman movies is our fair city? The term 'Gotham' is used only occasionally and only in the press. People don't mention 'Gotham' in typical conversation.
Daily Photoblogger Rose from Oz asked what New Yorkers do with their pets when they travel. Most board their dogs, have walkers come by or even leave their pets with friends.
Rupert and I had a nice reunion Tuesday night. He was very hungry and romped for an extended time, playing fetch, his favorite game.
Here's a recent photo of him with his buddy Duchess, a border collie, in Prospect Park. They had just romped around and look happy as a couple clams.

Related posts: Say Cheese in Times Square, It All Ends, Above Chelsea, and On What's Playing Around Town and at Home. Read more...
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
The Alias Restaurant, on the Lower East Side
Photo by myself at Clinton and Rivington Streets on the Lower East Side.
A photo of the sign at the Alias restaurant. The colors were very pretty against the cloudless sky.
You can see the usual blur of fire escapes on the outside of neighboring buildings. In the glass is the reflection of tenement buildings across the street.
The Lower East Side is known for older walk-up buildings and some signage from the 1930's. It's one of the few neighborhoods to resist re-development.
Related posts: Pork is the Answer, on the Lower East Side, Outside Zucco, on the Lower East Side, and A Glimpse into the Orchard Corset Center, on the Lower East Side.