Photo by myself on Eighth Avenue, around 39th Street.
New York has cleaned up quite a bit, but not completely. There are still some seedy spots. You have to look for them, but they exist.
An adult store near Port Authority bus station has a sign that is two stories tall.
New York has evolved in the last ten years.
The peep shows and stripper bars have been ousted from Times Square. Dog owners are fined $250 if they fail to clean up after their pets. Street vendors are required to be licensed, people evading paying a subway fare are fined up to hundred dollars.
The list of laws goes on and on.
All the above and a reduction in crime has made New York a much more attractive city to visit and call home.
Related posts: Reasons to be Pretty, Times Square, Visions of a Cheeseburger, Midtown and Meat Market, Ninth Avenue.