Photo by myself on Sixth Avenue, in Midtown.
People enjoyed the sidewalks on a recent sunny day, each in separate worlds.
When you live and walk about the city every day, you become immune to the number of people around you.
You pass loads of people on the sidewalk. You are squeezed between dozens of people on the subway. You trudge up the stairs behind folks, wait in line in front of folks, catch snippets of conversations, breathe second-hand smoke, share the elevator...
Sometimes I wish there were such things as pedometers (those little things you can wear that count your footsteps) that could apply to the people you encounter. I'd be curious to know how many people you pass, bump into and are run down by each day.
Related posts: Crowd Crossing, 34th Street, Taking a Break, on Sixth Avenue, and Street Corner, in Midtown. Read more...